Bennett + Co

Appearing at State of Social ’20


fabienne sharbanee

Fabienne Sharbanee is a Principal Associate at Bennett + Co, Corporate and Commercial Law, one of the only legal practices in Western Australia with a dedicated Media Law Team.  Fabienne was admitted to legal practice in 1999 and has over 20 years’ experience working in numerous areas of commercial and civil  litigation.

Fabienne’s special interest area is defamation and media law, having advised clients in this area since 2001.  Fabienne has conducted numerous defamation claims in the Supreme Court of Western Australia.  Her clients in defamation have included high profile individuals, company directors, sporting figures, education professionals and institutions, health professionals and government officials.

Having commenced working in the area of defamation law prior to the advent of social media, Fabienne is uniquely placed to comment on the various ways in which social media publications are impacted by defamation law and conversely, the manner in which the developing world of social media is bringing about changes to the law of defamation in Australia and abroad.

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