Jeremy Burge

Appearing at DAY TWO



Tales From the World of the Emoji Overlords
Ever wondered what it’s like to have every person in the world come to you with their fantastic emoji idea? Find out and get the answers to all your emoji-related marketing questions, from how the Unicode approval process works, how brands have tried to subvert it and failed (or succeeded), and whether you should base any new marketing around an emoji proposal.

Described by the Irish Times as “patron saint of people with jobs which have permanently alienated them from their parents”, Jeremy Burge is the founder of Emojipedia, creator of World Emoji Day, and has spent the majority of the past decade with the title derided by the aforementioned publication: Chief Emoji Officer.

As if that weren’t enough colourful little pictures in his life, Jeremy previously served as vice chair of the Unicode Emoji Subcommittee, responsible for vetting, researching and approving each new emoji that made its way through the international standardisation process. And received plenty of robust feedback along the way.

Jeremy’s work at Emojipedia has been covered by major global outlets including BBC, CNN, NPR, New York Times, The New Yorker and The Australian. Past speaking engagements include The Next Web in Amsterdam, Design Matters in Copenhagen, and TEDx in London.

Now ’the only writer at Mobile Tech Journal’, Jeremy is letting his hair down and covering a broader range of topics, though hasn’t let go of his emoji roots.


Tales From the World of the Emoji Overlords
Ever wondered what it’s like to have every person in the world come to you with their fantastic emoji idea? Find out and get the answers to all your emoji-related marketing questions, from how the Unicode approval process works, how brands have tried to subvert it and failed (or succeeded), and whether you should base any new marketing around an emoji proposal.

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