Workshop your socials with content-creation MVPs at State of Social ’22.
You asked for practical creative workshops. Day Two at State of Social delivers. Meet the latest content-creation coaches joining the workshop line-up at State of Social ’22.
You asked for practical creative workshops. Day Two at State of Social delivers. Meet the latest content-creation coaches joining the workshop line-up at State of Social ’22.
The prospect of learning from the digital marketing world’s brightest minds is mouth-watering enough. Add in gourmet eats and it’s little wonder that we are the envy of other conferences.
Block out your schedule now. Call the dog sitter. Heck, set up your out-of-office message for 23 and 24 August. And book your State of Social ’22 ticket, now!
Why do Australia’s top digital marketing professionals come to SOS 22? Because it’s an ideas and insights fest. Because they get to workshop with A-list digital and social MVPs. Because it inspires and empowers them in their work. And because it doesn’t feel like work at all (sundowner anyone?).
There are digital and social marketing conferences. And there’s State of Social ‘22 – a one-of-a-kind learning experience at Australia’s best stadium
State of Social ’22 isn’t a digital marketing conference. It’s an experience. And our two new creative digital-content workshops by Shot By Thom and Aaron Matthews of Creative Fix Audio fame prove it.
Doom! Gloom! The Great Resignation is here! Except one person’s resignation is another person’s career opportunity. All you need are the skills, smarts and strategies to grab it.
Must-see keynotes and practical workshops. Actionable strategies and tactics. Gourmet eats, immersive experiences and killer gifts. Catching up with old friends and making a bunch of new ones.
Digital marketing is often highly pressurised. Keeping your shiz together can be hard. Remaining creative and constructive even harder. Enter (stage left) Myles Pollard with a very special workshop at State of Social ’22.
A million and one things to do. No time to lose. And definitely no time to think about upskilling. Right? Wrong. If you don’t make time, your well-being will suffer. Ironically, so will your work.
When your breakout sessions are just as mouth-watering as your keynotes.
redditors to be catalysts for change both online and in the real world, exploring the reverberating impacts of this for brands and community-builders alike.
Turn your visit to State of Social ’22 into a tax-deductible wander out yonder.
If anyone understands the power of community – and how to harness it – it’s Nextdoor’s Jennie Sager.
That’s right, we’ve got Dear Storyteller’s Mike Drysdale, TV and radio’s Carmen Braidwood and Storyation’s Andrés López-Varela back for State of Social ’22. We couldn’t be more chuffed.
Call them what you will, #StateofSocial22 is full of game-changing moments and ideas. And it only takes one idea to transform your year. Or even your career.
From becoming the Most Valuable Player to fast-tracking projects with a Minimum Viable Product mindset, getting your MVP on at State of Social ’22 will make you a digital marketing VIP.
State of Social ’22 is all about the MVP, whether you want to become the Most Valuable Player or master a Minimum Viable Product approach to digital marketing success.