Stop selling to your customers. Start entertaining them.
Creating content customers like is a valuable skill. Masterminding content they actively seek out, well, that’s priceless.
Grab your SOS21 ticket and up your branded entertainment game with storytelling savant Mike Drysdale.

Meet Dear Storyteller’s chief storyteller.
As Dear Storyteller’s General Manager and the driving force behind the agency’s branded entertainment philosophy, Mike is a storytelling and brand-building aficionado.
When his left brain isn’t studying the science of storytelling and analysing what makes brands remarkable, he’s using his right brain to create unskippable stories and content for brands like RAC, Finbar, Crown, and Rottnest Island.
Building Brand Equity Through Branded Entertainment.
How do you plan and create content so good, so entertaining that your customers go looking for it? Or even (cue fanfare) pay for it? Find out at Mike’s ‘Building Brand Equity Through Branded Entertainment’ workshop at SOS 21.
With tips, insights, practical lessons and a heap of real-world case studies, Mike has a treat in store for you.
Mike is just the latest big-name, big-brain digital marketing maestro to sign up for SOS 21. Watch this space to find out who is joining him at Optus Stadium on 24 and 25 August.