Take the logical blue pill? Or the creative red one? Choose wisely with Colenso’s Rob Campbell.

Metrics. Analytics. Logic. Your left brain holds the key to commercial effectiveness in our world, right? Strategic smarty pants Rob Campbell begs to differ, and he’ll explain why at State of Social ’23.

Meet Rob Campbell, Head Of Strategy/CSO Colenso.

Rob is a creative and strategic force of nature. He’s one of our industry’s top global strategists. He’s the mercurial mind behind award-winning creative campaigns. And he has the honour of being called an ‘asshole’ by Lars Ulrich, Richard Branson and Dan Wieden (who know their assholes).

A host of clients like Nike, Spotify and Gentle Monster have benefited from Rob’s unique brand of brilliance, so we’re chuffed he’s coming to SOS23 to rock your marketing worldview.

How to achieve commercial effectiveness through creative ridiculousness.

Rob is a Nottingham Forest fan, so he knows a thing or two about emotional rollercoasters. Right now, he’s on one with the industry’s obsession with prosaic, logical thinking when creativity and imagination are the real keys to greater commercial effectiveness.

Join Rob for his must-see keynote and discover how (and why) you should harness your imagination and welcome some creative chaos and ridiculousness into your life and work. 

Rob joins Brandable’s Tess Palmyre, Storyation’s Andrés López-Varela and Social Sandwich’s Edwin Smith on our roll call of digital marketing royalty at SOS23.