When did digital and social marketing get so complicated?

Isn’t there a simpler way? A more effective way? A more enjoyable way? 😖😖😖

We say, yes! And if you agree, you can show the world how on 26 and 27 August when digital and social’s best and brightest converge on Optus Stadium for two days of learning and laughs at SOS25.

Make a splash and a name for yourself at SOS25: Refresh.

This year, Australia’s smartest marketing event is all about getting away from the hot mess of digital and social firefighting and plunging into the ice bath of inspired simplicity. We’re equipping everyone to refresh their thinking, recharge their creative batteries and KISS* their way to sustainable success.

No ordinary speaking gig.

(No sales pitches or recycled content allowed.)

Whether you’re up for a deep-dive or breakout session or (gulp) a showstopping keynote, SOS25 is your once-a-year (once-a-career!) chance to shake things up. Fresh ideas and insights only, thanks.

Ready to challenge assumptions, dispel dogma and lift our industry out of its malaise (and your personal brand to new heights)? Tell us what you have in mind.

*Keep it simple, Stupid!