SOS24: For prima doers, not prima donnas.

No divas or chest beaters. No self-proclaimed ‘gurus’ or saviours. EVERYONE at State of Social ’24 is on the frontline, on the tools and up for a unique coming together of digital alchemy talent.

And that includes our keynote speakers, breakout hosts and workshop mentors.

From Frankly’s Michael Corcoran to Lia Haberman and The Washington Post’s Dave Jorgenson to Quiip’s Larah Kennedy, digital marketing alchemy is their day job.

From the freshest grad to the gnarliest veteran, we all live and breathe this big, beautiful, sometimes infuriating, often challenging, always surprising thing called digital and social marketing.

So, are you ready to join 700+ of your peers and friends, competitors and collaborators for a once-a-year feast of digital marketing education, inspiration and upskilling on 27 & 28 August? You have got your tax-deductible ticket to Optus Stadium, haven’t you?