You’ll learn, laugh (at least twice) and become a social media legend like Edwin.

Survivor. The Voice. I’m a Celebrity. Love Island. 10 Sport… Social Sandwich’s Edwin Smith has run accounts for the biggest shows on TV. Just check out some of the celebrity likes on his socials.

And he’s coming to State of Social ’23 to give a must-see keynote on, well, the state of social, PLUS an epic content creation workshop. It’s a double bill worth the price of your SOS23 ticket alone.

A keynote AND a workshop?! It’s an (Ed)win-(Ed)win situation.

Edwin Smith is one of the most in-demand social marketing maven around, helping businesses – big and small – transform organic reach and engagement. His keynote-workshop combo will help you do the same.

  • Edwin’s keynote: The State of Organic Social Media in 2023. And how vastly different it is from three years ago. Edwin will cover the state of play for organic social, the TikTok Effect and the importance of being reactive in your social strategy.
  • Edwin’s workshop: How to Maximise Your Social Media Reach in 2023. What exactly is engaging content? How do you create it? What about on a small budget? It’s a practical workshop packed with actionable tips on how to increase engagement and watch-time.

Edwin even promises to make you laugh twice, if not more! You’ll leave Australia’s brainiest digital marketing event with a smile on your face and a head full of new social marketing smarts.